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Wild Caught
Note: A code of practice has been developed for one sector of the fishery that operates in Moreton Bay. The code of practice details how to avoid interactions with dugongs, turtles and sharks, and devices to allow turtles to escape from tunnel nets are mandatory. Moreton Bay tunnel net-caught dusky flathead score a green or ‘Better Choice’ rating, and the product can be identified by the 'Moreton Bay Fresh' brand label.
- Dusky flathead are caught in commercial gillnet fisheries in coastal waters, estuaries and river mouths in QLD, NSW and VIC waters.
- Stocks of dusky flathead appear healthy.
- Gillnets catching dusky flathead likely also catch significant numbers of protected and vulnerable wildlife as bycatch, including turtles, dugongs and sharks and rays.
- The Moreton Bay and Great Sandy Straits marine parks provide a degree of protection for impacted species and habitats.
- The fishery observer program in QLD was cancelled in 2012, meaning there is no independent record of the impact of the fishery on threatened species. Observation of the fishery is considered essential to the management of a sustainable fishery.
- Tunnel-net caught dusky flathead is a more sustainable option, as it has only negligible impact on bycatch species.
- QLD East Coast Inshore Fishery (32t in 2019, 37t in 2018)
Dusky flathead are found in estuaries, lakes and coastal bays on the east coast of Australia. They are caught in commercial fisheries in QLD, NSW and VIC-managed fisheries.
Dusky flathead are mostly caught in gillnets, and to a lesser extent in tunnel nets, in QLD.
A scientific assessment of the dusky flathead population and modernised management arrangements for the fishery have recently been introduced, which is welcome. the Dusky flathead population is reasonably healthy, and there are plans to rebuild the fishery to highly sustainable levels in future.
Dusky flathead is mainly caught in gillnets and tunnel nets in coastal waters of a QLD-managed fishery operating off the eastern coast. Interactions with turtles have been recorded in fishing operations, although it is not clear from fishery reports how many interactions or turtle deaths have occurred. Interactions with dugongs and protected species of shark are also likely in these coastal fisheries, but there is a lack of current information on bycatch across the entire geographical range of the fishery. The small scale of most of the fishing operations and that fishers are present at the nets during fishing means endangered wildlife can be released alive.
The fishery largely operates within the Moreton Bay and Great Sandy Straits marine parks. These offer a significant degree of additional protection for targeted and secondary species, as well as threatened and vulnerable bycatch species.
Fisheries managers in QLD have also reported inconsistencies between fisheries logbook records and information from independent observers, including differences between the number, rate and type of protected species interactions. There is a high probability that protected species bycatch is higher than reported.
Independent fishery observer programs are an important method of verifying protected species interactions. Unfortunately the QLD Government closed the observer program for all QLD managed fisheries in 2012. Since that time there remains no independent on-vessel monitoring of the fishery’s impact. As this means there is no reliable record of actual protected species interactions over time, the ecological impacts of the fishery cannot be measured or managed. However, the QLD dusky flathead gillnet fishery is considered to pose a moderate risk to a range of threatened and vulnerable species.
While significant and laudable management reforms have been implemented in the east coast fishery; there has been insufficient action at time of writing to deliver improved environmental outcomes, particularly for threatened and protected species. Rankings in this fishery may be expected to improve in future.